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City of El Paso 
Neighborhood Association Annual Report


As required under the Neighborhood Association Recognition Ordinance (Municipal Code Section 2.102.040 E.)

Recognized Neighborhood Associations are required to submit an Annual Neighborhood Report in order to maintain recognition status with the City. The purpose of this requirement is to ensure that associations are in compliance with all requirements and have updated contacts on file with the City.

Civic Empowerment Division
City of El Paso, Department of Community and Human Development

City 3 – 801 Texas Ave., 3rd Flr, El Paso, Texas 79901
Phone: (915) 212-1681


1.  Name of neighborhood/civic association*:

2. Current number of members in the association*:

3. Primary Association contacts to receive City notices:

First Point-of-Contact

Reminder that all Planning notices are sent directly to the 1st Point of Contact

Email Release Consent

*Email provided is solely for the purpose of communicating with the City of El Paso electronically. It is not made available to the public unless you affirmatively give consent for public release. 

Providing consent to public release your email is optional. It allows for Neighborhood Services to provide your emailto residents, media, and others entities that may be attempting to contact your neighborhood association.

Second Point-of-Contact

Email Release Consent

*Email provided is solely for the purpose of communicating with the City of El Paso electronically. It is not made available to the public unless you affirmatively give consent for public release. 

Providing consent to public release your email is optional. It allows for Neighborhood Services to provide your emailto residents, media, and others entities that may be attempting to contact your neighborhood association.

Would you like to add any additional point(s) of contact?

Additional Point of Contact Email Release Consent

4. Association meetings:

How often does your association normally meet?

Most Recent Held Meeting


Date Picker

5. Civic Empowerment Survey

The Civic Empowerment team is tasked with tracking neighborhood associations’ satisfaction with the communication and support that you receive. Your response and input will allow us to improve our processes with you.

What is your preferred method of communication?

Would you like to receive more information about the Neighborhood Coalition?

6. Other information:

Please list your NA's 2023-2024 activities, accomplishments, awards, recognitions, special events, etc. that you and your members are proud of. Information provided may be used in selecting the Neighborhood Association of the Year Award at the next Neighborhood Summit. Attach additional pages if needed.

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Are you and/or a representative from your Neighborhood Association planning to attend the 2024 Neighborhood Summit?

Thank You!