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Application Details:

  1. A resident applying for Senior or Disabled Citizens Discount must own and occupy, or rent and occupy, the residence; be sixty-five (65) or more years of age, or present proof of disability in accordance with this section. The discount will be the stated percentage or amount adopted resolution of City Council. The applicant must complete a Disability Discount Form and must supply all requested information. 
  2. Proof of Age shall consist of a copy of one of the following:
    1. A valid driver's license or state-issued identification card showing the day and year of birth;
    2. A Sun Metro Senior Citizen reduced fare card.
  3. Proof of 100% disability shall consist a copy  of one of the following:
    1. Certification from Social Security Administration
    2. Certification from a proper administrative officer that the applicant is a recipient of a public disability pension entity.
    3. Certification from the Veterans Administration.
  4. A person receiving a Senior or Disabled discount is not eligible for Sidedoor/Waiver Collection.
  5. No person shall be entitled to a discount for more than one (1) residence.
  6. The discount does not apply to charges for additional carts, special collections or other services provided.
  7. Approved discounts are not transferable to another person or address.
  8. Eligibility for the discounted rate shall lapse at the end of each anniversary of determination of eligibility.
  9. The Director shall have the authority to investigate and verify eligibility.

Disability Discount Form


Date Picker

Full Name

Birth Date

Upload proof of age

Click Here to Upload

Full Address

Is this the first request for Senior or Disabled Citizens Discount?

Is the applicant the primary water account holder at this address?

Is applicant 65 years of age or older, or currently certified as 100% disabled by a public disability pension entity?

Are you applying for a Disabled Citizens Discount?

Upload proof of disability

Click Here to Upload

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Application Review

  1. The application will be reviewed by the Director or designee.
  2. An individual who no longer qualifies for a discounted rate is required to notify the Director of the Environmental Services Department.
  3. The department reserves the right to investigate an applicant's continued eligibility if there is a reason to believe that the discounted rate may no longer be warranted.